Featured Listings
$1,400,000 223.58 ac
933 North Industrial Way
$1,200,000 2 ba, 8,800 sf, 19.48 ac
703 Clover Valley Road
$625,000 4 bd, 2 ba, 2,220 sf, 10.00 ac
625 W Birch Street
First Humboldt Add
First Humboldt Add
$510,000 6 bd, 3 ba, 2,928 sf, 0.03 ac
625 W Birch Street
First Humboldt Add
First Humboldt Add
$510,000 6 bd, 3 ba, 2,928 sf, 0.03 ac
Welcome to Nevada
Buyers, Let us know the type property you are interested in and we will find prospects for you. Nevada offers a wide range of opportunities for living, working, recreation, and investment, farm and ranches. From large cattle ranches and hay farms to a small horse property, homes, or acreages and land for sale, we have what you need.Sellers, List your real estate property for sale with Allie Bear Real Estate for reliable and knowledgeable sales representation. We understand the ranch business from the ground up.
We specialize in real estate listings from the northeastern Nevada area, although we include other parts of the west. Elko, Nevada is home base. In this part of the Great Basin, we are privileged to be in the middle of an area that includes large ranches, outdoor properties, smaller acreages in more developed areas, homes and properties in town and the outdoor recreational property potential of the Ruby Mountains, to name just a few points.
Whatever your lifestyle, we have a real estate property that will fit you.
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Allie Bear's Long Ranch Ropes is the place for you to order those special ranch ropes so popular in the Buckaroo country of the Great Basin and throughout the west.
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